Papal interview

For those of you who may not know, Kim Davis is a Kentucky county clerk who grabbed her fifteen minutes of fame by not complying with recent federal law, as promulgated in a Supreme Court decision, which requires her to issue marriage licenses to all couples, regardless of their “gender dynamic.” A fundamentalist Christian, she personally opposes same-sex marriages and felt the law was an assault on her religious freedom.

Interestingly, but in essence irrelevant to the substance of her case or the case against her, she has a checkered marital past, having been married four times and given birth to twins out of wedlock. All of this behavior is alleged to have taken place prior to her conversion to her particular brand of Christianity.

I mention all this only to highlight that it is hard to know what to make of reports that she met the pope in private during his recent visit to the USA.

Why would he agree to do this and why would she want such an audience? [The Vatican has remained silent. That in itself is odd. Silent? Why?]

Let’s assume it did not happen. Then what?

Who has an interest in inventing and spreading the story?

Kim Davis, obviously. But, why would an evangelical Christian have any interest in meeting the pope? The meeting was not a celebrity interview, according to the reports. There was prayer and the pope gave her rosaries.

BTW, why would he give her more than one? Her parents are Catholic. Really? Is that the way papal gifts work?

“Excuse me, Holy Father, I need a couple of extra for my cousins.”

I don’t think so.

Let’s  assume it did happen, then what? How did it get arranged? Who called whom? I do not know the papal cell number, do you? Whose number is more easily discovered? I assume the Pope didn’t make the call. Who did? And why?

Initially I thought this was a lie and that its falsehood was the most curious thing about it.

If it is not a lie, there is far, far more curiosity.  


Since I posted earlier today this just in: read here. My goodness. The Vatican has lost its collective mind.